Monday, October 27, 2008

Southern Colors and a Bass Guitar


We were up early Saturday morning to meet a guy in Hendersonville, North Carolina. He was driving from Tennessee to pick up a bass guitar I had for sale. We told him several days before that we would meet him in Hendersonville since we wanted to see the fall colors. The drive up Hwy 11 to 25 is always a good chance to see spectacular scenery in the fall, and since we drive a two-seat convertible sports car, we are on the road every chance we get. It’s usually a relaxing way to spend the day, unless you also have a bass guitar in a hard shell case taking the ride with you. That somehow puts a damper on things.
Our plan was to put the guitar in the back of the truck, head up to Hendersonville and enjoy the day. Unfortunately, our youngest son’s car wound up in the shop so we loaned him the truck for the week. Now, I’m not one to let life’s little obstacles change a plan and evidently I’m not one to listen to good advice as in: we-should-trade-cars-with-our-oldest-son-since-it’s-raining-and-we’ll-be-lugging-a-bass-guitar-along-with-us. Ok, now that we’ve driven and hour and a half with a 2 ½ foot wide base guitar wedged in from the back window to the front windshield I can see that taking the Miata was somewhat of a miscalculation on my part, but at least the gentleman was where he said he would be and we were able to comfortably continue on our trip to Hendersonville.
Hendersonville is a nice little town to explore and as and added surprise they were having a goat auction downtown. Not real goats but statues that were being auctioned off for charity. They called it “The Kidding Around Public Art Display”. The auction raised $10,850 with half the proceeds going to local charities in Hendersonville County.
Even though we did have some rain we were able to take some really nice pictures. It’s easy to understand why so many are moving to the upstate and surrounding counties.
Just Saying!

Speaking Spanish

So Pam and I go to the local Mexican restaurant and we ordered in Spanish. The waiter smiled and said in English, "No really what do you want and just say it in English so I make sure I get it right"...Hmmmmm. We'll practice and try in again next week !

Just Saying !
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