Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Let's Cut the Middle Man Out

There seems to be a lot of talk about what to do with all that money the government is willing to loan out to help bailout the major companies that are in such financial trouble. The CEO’s are so rich they could never spend all their money in two life times. Their plan seems to be to take the money, keep living their life style as usual and somehow all of this would trickle down and help everyone else in the real world.
I sat, listening in disbelief, as I watched the news and learned that these hedge fund managers had made up to 3.7 billion dollars while many people’s 401K’s lost 40% over the last year. These CEO’s are still being paid millions even after they’ve lost all of that money just to be bailed out to lose it again.
It reminds me of my first trip to New York and as we were driving down 5th Avenue we took a picture of a man sleeping on a piece of cardboard in front of an exclusive clothing store and people were stepping over and going around this man as if it was an everyday day occurrence, and it may have been.
It seems to be a world of the haves and have not’s. The ones that have look at the world thinking, “John Q. Public got what he deserved”. The ones that don’t have are saying, “I played by the rules; where’s all my money gone?”
Banks are not lending the money given to them by the government and wasn’t that the whole purpose of giving it to them in the first place? Free up money to lend and to get the economy rolling again.
I have a thought, let’s cut out the middle man. Instead of relying on the big companies and Privileged Poindexters to do what’s right and invest the money to create more jobs, let’s put the money toward paying off student loans and give sizable stimulus checks for families with an annual income of under $175,000 a year. Houses will be built, debts paid off, cars bought, and non-essential items will be purchased. There will be no holding the economy back. We could just call it “an accelerated trickle”. The same companies would be getting a lot of the money but instead of trickle down it would trickle up. Some people would look at this as just another welfare program but no more than money going to pay these CEO’s salaries and at least it would be getting to the people that need it. This would not only help more people directly but create jobs that would get the economy booming again.
Just Saying!
Odes Roberts

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