Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Letter

In May of 2000 my dad died of a heart attack. Without question this was the lowest time in my life. He was not only my father but next to my wife he was my closest friend. The one person I always knew I could turn to when I felt all the chips were down.After his death I had started thinking about all of the things I wished I could have said.I decide to write him a letter.
Dear Dad.
I can’t even start to tell you how much I miss you. All the times you would call just as I sat down for dinner and I wouldn’t answer the phone, I’m sorry. I have picked up the phone many times to call you before I would realize you weren’t there to answer. It wasn’t for any specific reason, but just to tell you how my day went or that one of the boys had done something, that only you would think was special. They would both make you so proud.
Josh has your gift of gab. He can talk to a stranger as if he has known them all his life. He finished college and decided to run for mayor of our town and won.
Steven has your gift for music. He has won most talented musician every year since he was in the 8th grade and plays 5 instruments, including your piano. I made sure he got it, just like you told me to. He is very smart and makes really good grades. He wants to be a heart surgeon. I think maybe because of what happen to you.
I mainly want you to know that I’m sorry I didn’t tell you how special you are and how proud I am that you were my dad. I know that I won’t ever have that time again but maybe my son’s can see something of you in me.I hope I make you proud!
Your son
PS: I almost forgot. When I was a teenage and told you someone had hit your car in the parking lot and crushed the right back taillight. I actually didn’t put it all the way into park and it rolled down the driveway and hit a tree. I’m sorry I didn’t just tell you the truth.I think that’s all for now but may have to add more to this later.Do you need to write a letter, or are you lucky enough to just be able to pick up the phone?

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